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tv   [untitled]    December 14, 2012 5:00pm-5:30pm EST

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it's being described as the worst school shooting in american history a mass shooting inside of a connecticut school leaves at least twenty six people dead we'll have an update on the shooting just ahead. at colleges and universities across the u.s. you'll find a wife or idea of student groups but should there be a whites only group one student in maryland is pushing that idea we'll speak to him in just a moment. and tis the season to spotlight there's a growing number of items you can buy online and in the store to help you snoop on others this is really what the holiday season is all about trying to catch someone up to no good.
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it's friday december fourteenth five pm in washington d.c. i make a lopez and you're watching r t all right well we begin with a tragedy that has left americans across the nation speechless it's been called the worst mass killing at a school in american history this morning around nine thirty a gunman entered shady hook elementary school in newton connecticut and opened fire there's been some confusion today as to who the shooter was police say this evening that twenty year old adam lanza is the person responsible for the killings his twenty four year old brother ryan was at first believed to be the suspect. scenes like this have been flooding the television screens across the nation since the chaos began at least twenty six people are dead as many as twenty were children two handguns were found on the scene and two more in the suspects car law enforcement officials have said that the shooter is among the dead the details of the story are still murky at best but we can expect to hear more about this story in future days
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and weeks earlier i sat down with r.t. correspondent liz wahl who grew up very close to the day shooting location she's been speaking to her family and friends back in connecticut and she brought me their account of what's happening you know that i just got off the phone with my mom she has friends whose children go to that very school just picked up the children there's a lot of information what they're hearing my mom says is that this is this this guy the gunmen worked at the school and he was fired this morning one of the victims was his mother who was a kindergarten teacher and and shot opened fire on all the kids in the classroom and lives what we do know also is that you're from this community can you describe the community to me i mean is it quiet is it peaceful is something like this to be expected you have a lot of i don't know this is we're talking about a rural suburban town this is newtown connecticut
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a town of about twenty seven thousand people people moved here because they the schools are known for being very good not too long ago the high school there in newtown connecticut got some kind of prestigious award for being a school of excellence the schools in the area are known for being very good and that's why families move there they go there because they think that this is a safe place to. to raise their children and. it's absolutely not a place where you hear about gang violence or gun violence or you never really hear about things like this and. i mean you always say that it's not going to happen to you it's not going to happen to your community. and i would this is the last place that i would think. you would hear about one of the most heinous mass shootings in u.s. history is in this community it's really shocking and i know that you've been in contact with your family back home you just talked
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a little bit about that can you talk a little bit more about what you've been hearing from them what kind of news you personally have been getting from your family and friends well i think at first when the news broke this morning it was just everybody was really confuse everybody calling each other. i know i have a niece and nephew in a nearby school district and everybody just kind of calling to make sure that everybody's ok i don't think anybody was expecting that it would be of this magnitude. so i i think people are just shocked. i don't really know what to make of this and also president obama just came out to speak about this a little bit earlier he said something needs to be needs to be done about this and a couple of other little pieces of information came out as well i mean should we expect something to be done in recent in upcoming days weeks. well i think one of the things that president obama did say. is that it's not the time to talk
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about. the politics behind this or. it's not even necessarily time as of today to talk about him. to have a debate about guns i think that first off it's going to be taking care of these families taking care of the wounded and helping out these families and helping these families pick their pieces up you know pick their lives back up i think without a doubt we are already seeing up across social social media that it's already erupting a debate about gun control. i think whether or not you are for guns or against guns i think this is going to reignite the debate and really cause people to take a look at the situation that we do have in this country i know that gun those in that are for gun control are going to say this is an example of the ease of being able to obtain weapons in this country those that are for having guns are going to say you know maybe if the principal or security was on school that had guns they
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could have shot the men dead and save the lives of these children. it's definitely a really difficult topic. so we're not going to find any answers today but i can say for sure that it's going to it's going to spark a very very heated debate about. about gun control in the country and we'll have to see how it plays out we know that the politicians have kind of set politics aside today and everybody is kind of coming together to show rounds this should munity no this is obviously very close to your house i also had a personal experience too we've had i live a block away from columbine high school so my family and my community went through through that and then also we saw this a roar of shooting how what steps are going to happen in the future build this community up i mean i have experienced and seen what happened after columbine high school and the years and years and years that is take for that community to heal what do you think the next steps are going to be for your community oh gosh i don't
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know i think it's going to. it's going to take a lot of counseling i mean i can even imagine being an elementary school shooting in elementary school just you know on your way just a normal day at school and and having this massive atrocity happen. i think it's going to take a long time for these wounds to heal i mean i don't know i don't have an answer it's. i don't know one thing we do know is that parents across the country and across the world are going to be holding their kids just a little bit tighter tonight yeah and it's such a tragedy to happen right before the holiday season are to correspondent liz wahl thank you for bringing us that update thank you. on now to another topic a recent u.s. census bureau report projects that the u.s. will become a majority minority nation in the first for the first time in twenty forty three in other words the majority of people living in this country will not be caucasian
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from there the gap is only expected to widen right now minorities make up about thirty seven percent of the u.s. population or account for about one hundred sixteen point two million people by twenty sixty however the minority population is expected to become fifty seven percent or about two hundred forty one point three million people so are we beginning to see the shift we are beginning to see the shift of demographics and the shift has been a very long time coming but one maryland student isn't lamenting and said he has for most propose a white student union at taos and university it's an idea that has gained a lot of attention and even more criticism back to heimbach is a senior studying u.s. history and the founder and commander of the white student union i spoke with him earlier and asked him how he came up with this idea. well i came up with the idea
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in the fact that you see in america that every single racial group has an advocacy group we have the n.w. c.p. we have a pac we have you know groups for hispanics for asians for everybody so kind of the idea is that people come together on kind of tribal lines and they advocate for the best interests of their people and whites are the only group that doesn't have that so the idea that students when on college campuses were facing affirmative action which discriminates against white students you know not being able to get into the college or you know not be able to get proper scholarships based on how much work we've done it's you know a problem that we need to face and these demographic trends which are a shift which are i think are bad for white students so we need to come together on racial lines as every other group has an advocate for the best interests of our people and so let's let's break it down into a few things first of all what will your union be doing and specific what what are you hoping to do what we're already doing is we're going to do it three different things first of all is education so we brought in speakers so far such as jared
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taylor to come and talk of the idea of what is white identity so the barbarian in speakers that you know you're not going to hear those ideas in a cultural marxist classroom so bring that to this is the the campus community second of all is trying to be a positive force for campus kind of the idea of rehab political parties like golden dawn which take care of great student you know greek people first cd of the white students that are we're doing safety patrols on campus to try and look. for people that are perpetrating violent crimes but also doing blood drives things like that donating to the homeless so that's the second thing we're trying to do and the third is be a political force that attacking affirmative action on campus because it's discriminatory and also raising awareness about things like the fact we allow illegal immigrants now to get in-state tuition that you know that's money that's being taken from our university from legal us citizens and being spent on criminals so that's kind of the three things we're focusing on and your last question answer you just said that you are interested. in promoting interests describe what
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a white interest is what the white interest is simply the idea of the white race in general being able to protect our culture being to protect our country's being able to work in what is best for us the programs like affirmative action are bad unrestricted third world immigration into this country is bad for white interests in a free trade agreements like nafta which send our jobs overseas to third world countries like mexico that undercut our wages and put us out of work those are bad for white interests so culturally whites are under attack and it's only going to continue as we become less and less the population as we saw with barack obama's reelection that you know mitt romney got over sixty percent of the white vote but that wasn't enough so as the demographic trends shift republicans are going to be unable to win an election and whites need to either come together and stand up and fight together or else we're going to lose everything so matthew what qualifies as a white person a white person would be i mean a caucasian someone from europe stretching all the way from that darien peninsula
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all the way to russia and who's going to be allowed in your group when everyone's going to allow the group that's actually the one thing that people understand it's not a whites only group it's people who are standing in advocating for white interests just as there is white members of the black student union on campus and there's black and hispanic members and asian members and jewish members in our group that works for the best interest of hispanics so it's the idea that we're not limiting people from coming and it's an open door if you believe in white culture if you want to protect white culture in advance white interest and fight discrimination on campus you can join ok so if you extract black people minority students hispanics anybody but in a recent interview you said with that with the big picture host tom hartman that you don't consider jewish people like you can you explain short well i mean it's the idea if you look in terms of the jewish population that they're not white that they have you know things like tay-sachs disease for instance where that is a disease that was only found within the jewish population so genetically i mean when i've been talking about the way someone look. but genetically there is
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a difference amongst the majority of the jewish population as a jewish race and the idea that we're questioning them as a separate people that's a relatively new thing in western civilization i mean talk to someone for two thousand years everyone knew that jews were a separate people that doesn't mean we're advocating discrimination against them it's just that they as a people are advocating for their best interests and because they are not white they might not be advocating for the best interests of white people so let me ask you this how have you personally been discriminated against as a white person one terms of skirmishing you can just look at hiring that i'm looking at you have specific i want a specific example well specifically first of all things dealing with anti white language you know racial slurs being hurled on campus it's a sort of thing where as a student if i already use any slurs against minorities homosexuals jews then what would happen i would probably get suspended or possibly even expelled but you know black students on campus hispanic students are allowed to century say whatever they want and they can get away with it and that's an unfortunate sign of the times where being pro white or even just simply being proud of the way god made you if
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you're white is it seems like a sin but if you're any other racial group then that's ok one of the things that you have said in the past few past interviews is that you know you're really for this if the if there is a black student organization or hispanic students are going to action why not there be a white student organization and there is some substance to that but one of the things i do want to ask you is it does kind of seem like your organization takes things to another level and it's not necessarily promoting white unity it what it is promoting is kind of separate but equal can you can you talk about sheryl i mean the very idea that we're facing that this isn't simply political problems we're facing we're facing in america the potential of losing this is our country i mean as pat buchanan talks about you can't take a first world country and fill it with third world people and expect to remain a first world country so the very you know ground that our forefathers fought and died for we have no. and heritage that and whites need to be able to come together
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to fight this is slavery which are founded on more than just white people it was founded on the backs of slaves and on the backs of native americans that made this land what it is and helped us and americans come together and become americans so we are in a sense an essence a nation of immigrants so when you say things like you don't expand you don't want immigrants in your schools and whatnot i mean it kind of seems like contradictory to what to what your your group stands for well in terms of looking at you know the great samal huntington wrote in his book who are we he talked about what is the foundation of america now we were immigrants from europe and that's the thing we shared we shared blood we shared culture that there was something more that tied us together now you look at america and what is an american an american is this abstract idea that we're bound together by capitalism and we kind of salute the same flag and that's about it that there's no strong identity of what is an american there's no community anymore we're simply
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a multicultural hodgepodge you look at l.a. that's an example of what america was founded as it's nearly nearly one third world country in its own right so that's kind of a problem i think the wrong side of time but do you consider yourself to be a white nationalist i consider myself to be a southern nationalist because as i see that you know the southern people there was a war fought over the idea that we've always identified as being a separate people now that doesn't mean i mean i will towards my brothers to the north it doesn't mean i have any ill will towards any racial group i simply want to be able to protect by culture and my people in advance the best interest of them and very interesting discussion and i know you've taken a lot of flak for it but i we appreciate your time here today and i was matthew hemlock founder of the white student union. well tis the season for christmas trees menorahs overeating overspending and one more thing political correctness most of us at one time or another have had that awkward moment where you don't know where to say merry christmas or happy hanukkah or just plain happy holidays but have the holidays become too politically correct for our own good to discuss this political
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comedian dean obeidallah as well as dr victoria taylor who's a psychologist at the american institute for cognitive therapy joined me earlier i started off by asking if it's a mental health if it's mentally healthy to have such high expectations and so much consumerism surrounding the holidays but i think a lot of people do struggle with the consumer and i think that people should really be filled with god and happiness during the sea then and i work with a lot of depravity and anxious patients who don't necessarily know that way so i help them come up and tell me in order to deal with those sort of situation and. i think in terms of consumer them up with and lately it is a lot harder to sort of celebrate the holidays the way the used to be celebrated in praying for people to think to a budget and maybe create a new tradition and dean let me ask you this how has christmas become too overblown
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i mean can christmas drive you crazy. well you know it's such a huge holidays it's a big thing i don't even think you have to be christian is celebrated meaning in my case my mom's christian my dad's muslim my muslim cousins would come over and celebrate christmas together so i mean it's become for some people are going to hate this but for many it's not just about you know being christian name or it's one of their you bring people together so bringing goodwill peace people feeling good about themselves and family getting together and celebrating sort of the year it's almost like thanksgiving number two and some people don't like that but i think on some level for many people in multicultural multi religious homes that's what it's become and i do want to play one little sound bite that we have from fox news fox news of course has made a habit out of bringing up these out war on christmas segments it's almost become a holiday tradition so here's bill o'reilly and his latest rant on the war on christmas. and back of the book segment and i will give you your reporting on which
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american stores are using christmas in advertising this christmas season pick up a national controversy that's because the word christmas has been removed from the title christmas is a federal holiday it's not like you could just pretend it doesn't even have time to take a wait and it can be seen and now you're going to take away red and green it's crazy couple of days ago newsweek magazine declared that the war on christmas is over and traditional forces have won the magazine citing retail stores allowing employees to now say merry christmas to the shoppers a few years ago some corporations were. now before i get your opinions on this day and dr i do have one other clip to show you this is the very next story that a riley read right after his one christmas rant and the commercial that followed it . that's not a rado of reaction from bob beckel lauren graham on the region culture war in america led american jelly on a u.s. marine incarcerated in mexico for absolutely no reason at all this is outrageous
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we're trying to get him released and we'll be back in a moment. so happy holidays deemed as anything the same off to you. obviously you can't because it doesn't matter what fox news it does you know these are words just to make people watch the show the way it does you believe it or not i don't know but it gets his audience and it's a conservative audience republican audience in gauge because they want to hear about this issue and then they're not offended by happy holidays and sure they might want to hear merry christmas but all muslim and i don't make everyone happy i eat at the end of ramadan i only wished other muslims if you're christian it was people you know merry christmas if they're jewish they're happy hanukkah well there it is you just say hey have a great day whatever this is america this is the beauty of our nation were a melting pot some people wanted to be one see and i'm sorry that's not the case all right and dr victoria i want to ask this next question to you chris says become a really big business in the us i mean do you think that the economic aspects of it
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now outweigh the religiousness of it i mean could you even call christmas is like the christmas can and does complex i think like people need to think about a. religion by religion and that we need to think about that question and am i think it really depends on the people you're talking about and we can make you feel . so dr victoria what do you think the best solution is for somebody that's struggling to of whether to get somebody to get their a christmas gift or say happy holidays what's the best solution from your standpoint. not only that people act but. those people that you don't know just bits best to say nothing and then different thing maybe even let's not forget about christmas trees are german pagan tradition right well you know that they were they were mean
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historically but now they're fun things that we put decorations on and we sit around for two weeks and we throw them in the street you know at the end of the two weeks and say thanks for the memories you know it is what it is i still love what christmas represents you know the idea of family coming together it can be difficult it can be stressful i know that but when it boils down you know it really is a celebration of our family and being together at a time of the year that just makes people smile more and a little be a little bit happier i wish that christmas spirit could be all year frankly. do you think that we've lost the meetings all of the season with the commercialism and the happy holidays and all this stuff do you think we've lost the old meaning i don't i mean i think each person's their own to be quite honest i think some people it's still a really important day from a religious point of view so bring the birth of jesus christ for others it's just a family holiday for others it's just a day off from work frankly so i think for each their own but i think there's so many people who really new york city i live all different faiths they get into the christmas spirit doesn't matter they're buddhists hindus they're muslims they're
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smiling more it's the christmas season we're all happier and dr victoria my final question is you what's you think gets into people's heads during this time of the year do you think people get christmas fever on holiday fever. son i think a lot of people actually get quite stressed about the time you're. going to be with their family if they haven't seen in a long time and they really need to learn to be more mindful in the present moment when they are celebrating and i think there is this idea that everyone is awestruck by and very moved by betsy a lot of heat in the lake something that vision about not really the case definitely stressful trying to find the perfect gift for the perfect person the political comedian dean obeidallah dr victoria taylor psychologist at the american institute for cognitive therapy thank you both for joining us happy holidays to you . all right christmas is just weeks away so time now for a christmas story one that was written in two thousand and five and has now taken
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off to become an entire industry there once was an elf called the elf on the shelf who shows up in your home after thanksgiving he keeps watch on your family and monitors all the naughty and nice things you do around the house and then takes his observations back to santa seems like a nice story right don if you take a step back and actually think about it it's actually kind of creepy a spying elf that watches people when they think they are in the private and then there's the stick and find a bluetooth enabled sticker designed to help you keep track of anything you stick it onto a pair of keys the remote control your wallet heck even people and pets creepy right well we wanted to examine how all the toys with this sole mission of spying have taken off and become not just normal but accepted and they're also widely sought after items are to correspondent christine for takes us under the christmas
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tree. it's a bird. it's a plane. no it's actually a drone they are drone logic copter two point zero which also happens to be one of the hottest toys of the season. and it doesn't just look like a drone it also acts like one snapping still photos and even recording video people really love the camera the fact that you can interact with anybody as well so aside from according to law suppose he's videos a huge facebook as well you can lobby to see the kind of interaction if you're having brookstone a toy store for adults is full of military style contraptions but the drone is one of the most famous we're going to give my kids with that this is one of the devices that we use a kind of bring the customers and also new this year. the rover to. point no homes . like that it's controlled from an i pad i phone or android and if you don't want
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the person you're spying on to know they don't have to enter stealth mode. everything shuts off however story so much so this year's model has an added function it has a two way audio capability that means the person controlling the device not only can record me but can also communicate with me. so what do people think that the technology is here you might as well use it you think is dangerous i think people will respond in a neighborhood with all types of things you don't want to get into there's evidence this is already happening as you can see on websites like spy based dot com the cell nothing but tracking and monitoring devices it's also eerily clear that it's become so normal that sites like amazon have devoted an entire section to spy gadgets with products like infrared stealth binoculars and night vision goggles. once a seemingly revolutionary almost side fi idea the future it seems has arrived leaving
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any notion of privacy in the past in washington pristine for sound quality. and speaking of the holidays new york city streets are filled with decorations and holiday shoppers but when the resident laurie harper nest went to the sparkling streets she found that many people had a more complicated take on the holidays take a listen. why have the holidays become such hellish days this week and let's talk about that it's a commercial thing now everyone just want to spend money it's not about what it really should be about how did that happen is it the media telling us to buy buy buy a absolutely it's everyone with their sales and absolutely i live on what people buy you know and i'm an independent sales rep so i depend on it so you're happy with this christmas i'm happy this christmas i sell luxury goods as long as people keep
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buying into i have a holiday that's it a way to stop that would be to go back to church to read the bible and to find faith and to remember what the holiday is supposed to be for what about people of other religions and it is there anything for them i said i said to find religion. is there saving for them i believe in christianity but i think it's important that whether it's christiane to be or not that you have morals and values based on religious faith do you think there's a war in christmas oh i don't think there's a war on christmas i just think people shouldn't think that every year has to be the best christmas ever is that what we do we set our expectations too high thing we do i think that we should just enjoy it that each year should be a nice christmas with a couple of presents maybe full of press that's right along with the feeling of safety and community with holidays hobbies also remind people believe or not that's just my opinion holidays remind people of their own mortality that we're not going
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to be around here very much longer and our lives are very short. because we tend to remember the people who have gone on the holidays as well and that's why we p.c. the holidays we just want to feel safe we want to feel like i'm extending my time here a little bit more and i want you to believe what i believe yes and maybe as someone others someone else's believes makes us feel better and that's exactly what we take an intro doses of approaching the cliff is not as much about. shopping this year as all the rest of my fifty nine years the sixty of you are going to be a little bit different how you can do it differently. are the same but he was going to be your facebook. is watching people make christmas and calling it a day like whether or not the world has lost its holiday spirit the bottom line is it wouldn't hurt any of us to take a look inside to find our own private reason to celebrate this thing. all right that does it for now.


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